Major Plans and Programs

The major plans and programs of the Office of Gender Concerns among others are as follows:

  1. Operationalization of the Gender Focal Point System (GFPS);
  2. Advocacy and capacity building programs and services on gender and development (GAD) through trainings, fora, competitions, awards, exhibits etc. on GAD;
  3. Conduct researches leading to Gender-responsive systems;
  4. Create gender-sensitive and responsive programs that respond and prevent issues of gender violence and discrimination such as helping community build families where reproductive roles are shared among members;
  5. Create gender-responsive programs to facilitate empowerment of community to track and create solutions to their own concerns;
  6. Offer courses on gender for the academe as well as government and non-government clients;
  7. Continue to develop and offer undergraduate and graduate-level courses on gender in cooperation with the Faculty of Studies;
  8. Review, revise and offer Diploma in Women and Development Program in cooperation with the Faculty of Management and Development Studies;
  9. Develop and offer continuing Education Courses on gender and related issues;
  10. Expand and strengthen linkages and partnerships with stakeholders towards gender mainstreaming and advancing women’s rights.